Changes to the PharmGKB data licensing, downloads and user accounts

PharmGKB is changing its licensing policy in order to simplify access to files containing annotations and relationships.   All of PharmGKB, including these files, are now licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Users who download or use PharmGKB annotations, knowledge, files, images or screen shots agree to the license requirements, including:

  • Attribution: You must give appropriate credit to PharmGKB, provide a link to this license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests PharmGKB endorses you or approves of your use.
  • ShareAlike: If you alter, amend, reuse or otherwise change PharmGKB data you agree that if you distribute such product, all recipients shall first agree to be subject to this license. Proof of such agreement shall be made available to PharmGKB. Under no circumstances can PharmGKB data be sold for other's private or commercial use.

More information can be found in the Data Usage Policy.

Users no longer need a PharmGKB account to download relationship or annotation files, nor do they need to fill out a request with detailed information about who they are or how they will use the information.  However, we would appreciate it if users would fill out our survey when they download data to help us understand who our users are and what type(s) of information are useful to them so that we may continue to be responsive to user needs.

Another change to PharmGKB is that variant and clinical annotations are viewable on the website without logging in.  In fact, PharmGKB users no longer need an account to view or download any data, and we will no longer ask users to create accounts.

For any questions or comments, please send email to feedback.

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