ClinGen Pharmacogenomics Working Group (PGxWG) Follow-Up Survey

The ClinGen Pharmacogenomics Working Group (PGxWG) has just launched a second survey to solicit feedback about the criteria and terminology that should be used to define clinical validity and actionability for pharmacogenes and variants from both the PGx community and the wider genetics and medical communities. Please note that this second survey is not independent of the first, and if you’ve taken the previous survey and have significant PGx familiarity or expertise, there is no need to take this iteration, as it would be redundant due to the overlap in questions.

The ClinGen PGxWG is a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and professionals with expertise in pharmacogenomics (PGx), clinical pharmacology, medical genetics, regulatory affairs, and molecular diagnostics. It was launched in February 2022 with the goal of developing a framework of tiered standard terminology and definitions that reflect clinical significance for genes and genomic variants implicated in drug response, in order to facilitate the incorporation of PGx knowledge into ClinGenand more consistent interpretation of PGx variants identified by panel testing and/or sequencing.

The survey is open now and can be accessed at: All responses are greatly appreciated, no matter who you are or where you are in the world. Unlike the previous survey, this survey does not assume PGx familiarity, though if you have nottaken the previous survey and have PGx familiarity, your feedback is still greatly appreciated. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. We sincerely appreciate your time and attention, and your willingness to help.

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