CPIC Term Standardization Survey Has Been Released

In December 2014, we wrote a blog entry about the CPIC term standardization project. CPIC (Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium) is leading an effort to standardize terms for clinical pharmacogenetic tests, and the terms will be used in future CPIC guidelines. The hope is for the terminology to be adopted by the larger pharmacogenetics community as well.  CPIC will use a modified Delphi method in order to refine the term list based on expert opinions.

The initial survey has been released and is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q8VZKYP

The survey is to be completed by February 20th.  CPIC has prepared webinars to assist participants taking the survey.

There are two upcoming live webinars:

February 11th at 1:00 pm ET/12:00 pm CT/10:00 am PT
Live Webinar link

February 19th at 3:00 pm ET/ 2:00 pm CT/ 12:00 pm PT
Live Webinar link
If those are not convenient, you can access a streaming version and downloadable version of the webinar at any time:

Streaming recording link

Download recording link

If you have questions or comments regarding this project, please contact us at cpic@pharmgkb.org.

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