Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network to receive more than $48 million from the National Institutes of Health

NIH grants totaling more than $48 million dollars have been awarded to support phase III of the eMERGE network program. eMERGE is a consortium of research institutions focused on linking genome-wide genotyping or sequencing data with patient electronic medical records (EMRs) in order to improve patient care. eMERGE PGx, a partnership between eMERGE and the Pharmacogenomics Research Network (PGRN) has successfully deployed a next-generation sequencing platform called PGRN-seq to sequence very important pharmacogenes in patients across eMERGE sites with a goal of integrating pharmacogenetic genotypes into electronic health records, as well as the associated clinical decision support. Among the awardees of the NIH grants were researchers at Vanderbilt University, an eMERGE site, led by Dan Roden and Joshua Denny. The group will investigate the impact of rare variants on health and drug response as well as expand the Pharmacogenomics Research for Enhanced Decision in Care and Treatment (PREDICT) pipeline.

Read more about the NIH awards here:
Read more about the eMERGE Network here:https://emerge.mc.vanderbilt.edu
Read more about eMERGE PGx here:https://emerge.mc.vanderbilt.edu/projects/emerge-pgx/

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