Michelle Whirl-Carrillo -- Director of the PharmGKB!

We are happy to announce that Dr. Michelle Whirl-Carrillo has agreed to take on the position of Director of PharmGKB. Michelle has worked with the PharmGKB for over 15 years (not including a 1.5 year “sabbatical” at 23andme). She has served as lead curator, Assistant Director, and (since 2014) Associate Director. The PharmGKB grant has recently been renewed and Michelle has been named Director, effective at the start of September.

Michelle has her undergraduate degree in Biology from MIT, and a PhD (working with Russ)in Biophysics from Stanford.

Congratulations to Michelle and thanks for her willingness to help lead the PharmGKB into its 3rd decade!

Teri and Russ (Co-PIs)

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