New Haplotype features on PharmGKB

New features on the Haplotype tab (example: CYP2A6):

  • Details of the resources used to determine our curated haplotype maps and any important notes regarding the haplotypes are added by our curators.
  • Previously we only displayed dbSNP rsIDs within haplotypes - now you can view other genetic variants that currently have no known rsID.
  • Different colors denote the reference sequence, positions that differ from the reference and tag SNPs.

Haplotypes now also appear on gene and drug pages in the PGx Research table (example: CYP2A6 as pictured), with information including tag alleles and drugs that have been associated with the haplotype in our database.

  • To view individual haplotype pages: search for a gene or drug, click on the PGx Research tab, click on the haplotype name.
  • Individual haplotype pages now have extra tabs - Overview, PGx Research and VIP tab
  • PGx Research tab will appear if there are variant annotations for this haplotype
  • VIP tab will appear if there is a very important pharmacogene summary with a summary for this haplotype

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