New VIP Summary for CYP2C8

A new VIP summary is available for CYP2C8, a member of the cytochrome P450 family of drug metabolizing enzymes. CYP2C8 accounts for 7% of CYP content in the liver, and is expressed to a lesser extent in the kidney, adrenal gland, mammary gland, brain, ovary, uterus, and duodenum.  CYP2C8 plays a major role in the metabolism of many commonly used drugs [Article:15900280]. Several CYP2C8 SNPs have functional consequences [Article: 20459297] and have been associated with variability in CYP2C8-mediated metabolism and altered disposition and response for many commonly used drugs such as repaglinide, rosiglitazone, pioglitazone,paclitaxel, bisphosphonates, amiodarone and amodiaquine [Articles:12429347, 11668219, 17361129, 23536207, 11767116, 12530467, 18769365]. As a result, CYP2C8 has emerged as a significant pharmacogene.

For more information on this VIP gene and its variants see the VIP tab for CYP2C8.

For all VIP gene summaries on pharmgkb, see here.

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