PharmGKB and CPIC Partner with ClinGen

PharmGKB and CPIC have formalized a partnership with ClinGen to bring pharmacogenomics (PGx) expertise to the primarily disease-focused, NIH-funded mega-resource.  ClinGen's goals include defining the clinical relevance of genes and variants for use in precision medicine and research and disseminating that knowledge to the broader community.  They have developed and implemented data standards for clinical annotation and interpretation of genes and variants. To date, this annotation and interpretation has focused on disease-related genes and variants. The partnership with PharmGKB and CPIC was established to bring PGx knowledge to the ClinGen community.  Gene-level PGx entries which link to PharmGKB and CPIC will be added to the current validation, dosage and actionability curations displayed on ClinGen so that users will be able to access the PharmGKB and CPIC resources through the ClinGen interface.  Planning is underway for the PGx display. Additionally, PharmGKB is working to provide links back to ClinGen for genes and variants associated with disease phenotypes.

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