PharmGKB at the ASCPT 2013 Annual Meeting

The American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT) Annual Meeting is being held this week in Indianapolis.

Michelle Whirl-Carrillo, Assistant Director of PharmGKB, will be presenting a talk entitled "PharmGKB: From Pharmacogenomics Knowledge to Clinical Interpretation and Implementation" in the "Putting Pharmacogenetics into Practice" symposium on March 9th. She is representing Teri Klein, Director of PharmGKB, who is out on medical leave. This symposium features international speakers within the field of PGx, from Leiden University Medical Center, University of Chicago, St Jude's Children's Research Hospital and Stanford University.

Russ Altman, PI of PharmGKB, will assume the role of President of ASCPT at the meeting. He will also chair several sessions throughout the conference.

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