PharmGKB Demo at U-PGx Summer School

PharmGKB recently held a demonstration of the PharmGKB website as part of the U-PGx Summer School in Bonn, Germany. Scientists, clinicians and pharmacists attending the summer school heard from Dr. Rachel Huddart, one of our Scientific Curators, and were introduced to the various types of information found on the PharmGKB website; from Dosing Guidelines to Pathways and Clinical Annotations. Information from PharmGKB formed an important of the participants’ project work later on in the summer school.

The U-PGx summer school group sees PharmGKB in action

This was a remote demonstration, with Rachel presenting at the summer school online from our Stanford offices. If you are interested in including a demonstration of the PharmGKB website at your pharmacogenomics event, please get in touch with us at

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