PharmVar Launches CYP2D6, CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 Interactive DB

PharmVar has launched its interactive database for CYP2D6, CYP2C9 and CYP2C19. One cool feature is the ability to now easily find the position of each SNP on different reference sequences. The user can now also choose to count from the beginning of a sequence or the ATG start codon. And by clicking on a SNP of interest  a new page will display on which alleles a SNP is located, its respective positions on each reference sequence and the link to dbSNP. Before getting started, the user is advised to read the STANDARDS Document under the GENES tab describing the conventions used for storing and displaying allelic data. Once on the genes page users are encouraged to check out the READ ME and CHANGE LOG documents – these provide important information for each gene and list the changes that have been made as each gene was transferred into the database. These documents can be found on top of the bar showing the reference sequences.  PharmVar is keeping busy adding more CYP genes into the database and developing additional features.
PharmGKB and CPIC have updated the Allele Definition Tables for CYP2C9 and CYP2C19, part of the PGx Gene Specific Information Tables, to harmonize with PharmVar.  The CYP2D6 Allele Definition Table will be updated soon.

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