Thiopurine Pathway updated with new candidate genes

Thiopurines and TPMT have long been a cornerstone of PGx research. As such the Thiopurine Pathway was one of the earliest pathways in PharmGKB to be published in Pharmacogenetics and Genomics [PMID:19952870]. In collaboration with Jun Yang, Takaya Moriyama and Rina Nishii from St Judes, we have substantially updated the Thiopurine Pathway to include new candidate genes in particular NUDT15. NUDT15 will also be featured in a new VIP summary next month.

The new Thiopurine Pathway figure focuses more on the drug metabolites (which are clickable and linked to Pubchem structures and publications) and candidates for their formation. We have also updated the text to include the kind of summary and literature review PharmGKB pathways are known for, and have a more detailed underlying set of components to allow for data export/analysis.

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