Two new pathways released: Allopurinol Pharmacokinetics and Pimozide Pharmacokinetics.

Allopurinol is a purine analogue used in the treatment of gout. This drug has a level A CPIC Guideline for allopurinol and HLA-B. The new pathway shows the candidate genes and metabolites involved in Allopurinol Pharmacokinetics.Pimozide is a typical antipsychotic FDA approved for treatment of Tourette’s disorder. The FDA drug label has a testing recommendation for CYP2D6 poor metabolizers and the gene-drug pair is level A/B on the CPIC list and noted for future guideline development. The new pathway was developed by recent work from Chapron et al [PMID: 32847865], and shows candidate genes and metabolites involved in Pimozide Pharmacokinetics in a stylized liver cell.

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