Variation in our genes could increase the risk of kidney damage when treated with an anti-HIV drug

Tenofovir is an anti-HIV drug that works by inhibiting the replication of the HIV virus. Transporter genes encode proteins that are involved in the movement of the drug in and out of cells in the body, and the eventual elimination of the drug from the body. Clearance and elimination of a drug is important to avoid build up of a drug, which can lead to toxicity. Variations within several transporter genes (including ABCC4 and ABCC10) have been associated with an increased risk of kidney damage in patients who are treated with tenofovir. The genetic variants may have an effect on the protein’s function or expression, and alter the clearance of the drug from the kidneys – this could result in the accumulation of the drug in the kidneys, causing toxicity.

To find out more about the transport and effects of Tenofovir, see our newly updated Tenofovir/ Adefovir Pharmacokinetics Pathway.

Go to our Tenofovir drug page to view associations with specific gene variants and further pharmacogenetic-related information.

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