Annotated Swissmedic Drug labels now available on PharmGKB

PharmGKB now has annotated drug labels available from the Swiss Agency of Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic), a regulatory authority responsible for the authorization and supervision of therapeutic products in Switzerland.

The Swissmedic drug label annotations are sourced through a collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Care Research Group (PCRG), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel. The PCRG group screened and translated pharmacogenomic (PGx) relevant information in the Summaries of Product Characteristics (SmPCs) of all Swissmedic labels through natural language processing (NLP). Using these translations and analysis, PharmGKB annotated Swissmedic drug labels based on our criteria for PGx information. Like our FDA drug label information, we provide a summary and excerpt of PGx information from the Swissmedic SmPC. Each Swissmedic drug label annotation is also given a PGx level of evidence, and a link to the original full text label on the AmiKo Web ( If the label provides dosing adjustments based on genetic information or metabolizer phenotypes, or states that a drug is either indicated or contraindicated for a particular set of patients, the label annotation will be tagged with "dosing info" or "alternative drug" tag.It is likely that there are other Swissmedic drug labels that contain PGx information, and PharmGKB welcomes any feedback regarding PGx information within the labels from Swissmedic or other medicine agencies around the world.
View our complete list of drug labels with PGx information.

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