The 1200 Patients Project

"The 1200 Patients Project" is a  pharmacogenetics (PGx) implementation project established by a team at the University of Chicago who recruited 12 physicians to participate. The project is prospectively recruiting 1200 adults taking 1-6 prescription drugs, who are under the care of one of the participating physicians, and who give consent for pre-emptive genotyping of a panel of clinically-relevant PGx variants.

A genomic prescribing system (GPS) on a web-based portal for physicians provides patient-specific clinically-relevant pharmacogenetic summaries for a drug, with stop light representations of level of risk for an adverse event or non-response. The physicians are monitored to examine whether they access the GPS during a patient's visit. The primary and secondary end points of the project are to assess whether they take the PGx information into consideration and whether this results in changes in prescriptions for patients who are at a high risk.

The aim is to assess the effectiveness of a model in which PGx information is provided to physicians in an accessible format from which they can make informed decisions when they are in consultation with a patient.

Read more:
The 1200 Patients Project: Creating a New Medical Model System for Clinical Implementation of Pharmacogenomics. O'Donnell PH, Bush A, Spitz J, Danahey K, Saner D, Das S, Cox NJ, Ratain MJ. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Aug 29. doi: 10.1038/clpt.2012.117. [Epub ahead of print]

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